noticias, tendencias MyPerfectPoolExperience online contest As part of its 50th Anniversary celebrations Fluidra invites EVERYONE to take part in its... julio 11, 2019 | BY Swimming Pool Scene
empresas, piscinas, productos, tecnologías La piscina sostenible: eliminación del ácido isocianúrico Tras 15 años de investigación y desarrollo, Diasa Industrial, compañía química de origen riojano,... febrero 11, 2019 | BY Piscinas HOY
empresas, piscinas, productos, tecnologías The sustainable pool: removal of isocyanuric acid After 15 years of research and development, Diasa Industrial, a chemical company from La Rioja (Spain),... febrero 11, 2019 | BY Piscinas HOY
Sin categorizar Ospa: The Beautiful New World of Swimmingpool Technology Ospa, a large manufacturer of swimming pool technology from Mutlangen in Baden-Württemberg (Germany) has... enero 17, 2019 | BY Schwimmbad+Sauna
Sin categorizar Chemoform and FIJA form joint CF Group Next major fusion in the swimming pool industry: The German Chemoform Group and the French company FIJA... enero 17, 2019 | BY Schwimmbad+Sauna
atención, mercado, noticias UK Pool & Spa Awards The UK Pool & Spa Awards has once again re-written the record books with more entries, more companies... enero 11, 2019 | BY Swimming Pool Scene
noticias, piscinas Nueva Piscina Municipal Paio Pires en Seixal (Portugal) El Ayuntamiento de Seixal (Portugal) ha adjudicado los trabajos de construcción de la nueva Piscina... noviembre 26, 2018 | BY Piscinas HOY