noticias, tendencias MyPerfectPoolExperience online contest As part of its 50th Anniversary celebrations Fluidra invites EVERYONE to take part in its... julio 11, 2019 | BY Swimming Pool Scene
empresas, noticias, piscinas, regulación, tecnologías, tendencias Una piscina tratada correctamente es un lugar seguro En estos tiempos de incertidumbre, en los que el miedo al coronavirus está tan presente, Fluidra ha... junio 9, 2020 | BY Piscinas HOY
empresas, mercado, noticias, piscinas, tecnologías, tendencias, Sin categorizar Properly treated swimming pool is a safe place In these times of uncertainty with the fear of the coronavirus being in many peoples’ minds, let’s... junio 9, 2020 | BY Piscinas HOY
empresas, noticias, piscinas Fluidra alcanza sus objetivos en el primer año completo tras la fusión con Zodiac Fluidra cerró 2019, primer año completo tras la fusión, con crecimiento en todas las principales... marzo 12, 2020 | BY Piscinas HOY
empresas, noticias Fluidra achieves its objectives in the first full year after the merger with Zodiac Fluidra closed 2019, the first full year after the merger, with growth across all main business... marzo 12, 2020 | BY Piscinas HOY
noticias, profesionales More, More More! – UK Pool & Spa Awards! Open to all, regardless of trade-affiliation, national or international, the UK Pool & Spa Awards has... septiembre 18, 2019 | BY Swimming Pool Scene
noticias, regulación Commercial Pool & Spa Plant Training Recognising the need for specialist training in the commercial sector, the ISPE has, for a number of... julio 11, 2019 | BY Swimming Pool Scene