empresas, piscinas, productos, tecnologías La piscina sostenible: eliminación del ácido isocianúrico Tras 15 años de investigación y desarrollo, Diasa Industrial, compañía química de origen riojano,... febrero 11, 2019 | BY Piscinas HOY
empresas, piscinas, productos, tecnologías The sustainable pool: removal of isocyanuric acid After 15 years of research and development, Diasa Industrial, a chemical company from La Rioja (Spain),... febrero 11, 2019 | BY Piscinas HOY
atención, noticias, piscinas, productos Packing A Punch – Counter Current Never have counter current systems enjoyed a bigger following.Their capacity to add the key element to... julio 3, 2018 | BY Swimming Pool Scene
atención, productos, Sin categorizar The sale of hydrogen peroxide As part of the fight against the terrorist threat, the regulation concerning the sale to individuals of... mayo 28, 2018 | BY L'Activité Piscine