noticias, profesionales More, More More! – UK Pool & Spa Awards! Open to all, regardless of trade-affiliation, national or international, the UK Pool & Spa Awards has... septiembre 18, 2019 | BY Swimming Pool Scene
noticias, piscinas, profesionales, spas ForumPiscine, see you in 2020 Farewells and promises to meet again soon have already been exchanged. For managers, owners and... marzo 19, 2019 | BY Piscine Oggi
noticias, piscinas, profesionales Italian Pool Award 2019: the winners The Italian Pool Award is the reward created by Piscine Oggi magazine to celebrate the excellence of... febrero 19, 2019 | BY Piscine Oggi
atención, noticias, piscinas, profesionales, tendencias, wellness El sector de la piscina en España centra su desarrollo en la calidad, sostenibilidad y transformación digital El segundo Foro Piscina & Wellness –celebrado los pasados 4 y 5 de octubre en Madrid (España)–... octubre 18, 2018 | BY Piscinas HOY
empresas, mercado, noticias, profesionales, Sin categorizar The latest French market figures: growth continues! Over the full year 2017, the turnover of the profession recorded an increase of + 11% compared to 2016.... junio 4, 2018 | BY L'Activité Piscine
atención, noticias, piscinas, profesionales Italian Pool Award 2018 The 8th edition of the Italian Pool Award, created by Piscine Oggi magazine to celebrate the excellence... mayo 31, 2018 | BY Piscine Oggi