empresas, market, notícias, piscinas, tecnologias, tendências, Sem categoria Properly treated swimming pool is a safe place In these times of uncertainty with the fear of the coronavirus being in many peoples’ minds, let’s... Junho 9, 2020 | BY Piscinas HOY
acessórios, empresas, piscinas, tecnologias Smart pool cleaning The challenge facing the swimming pool sector is its adaption to new technologies. The trend towards... Maio 11, 2020 | BY Piscinas HOY
empresas, piscinas, produtos, tecnologias The sustainable pool: removal of isocyanuric acid After 15 years of research and development, Diasa Industrial, a chemical company from La Rioja (Spain),... Fevereiro 11, 2019 | BY Piscinas HOY
focus, notícias, tecnologias Italy on the podium for energy efficiency According to ACEEE’s data, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Italy appears to... Setembro 30, 2018 | BY Piscine Oggi
focus, piscinas, tecnologias The self-sufficient pool Contrary to common belief, the pool is not the most water consuming element in our homes. If the average... Junho 4, 2018 | BY Piscine Oggi