public pool contest

The winners of the “Public Value Awards for the public swimmingpool 2016” at the award ceremony in Stuttgart as part of the “interbad” fair – with Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, minister for economy, work and house-building of the Land Baden-Württemberg (in the middle, with white trousers), next to her Dr. h. c. Fritz Schramma, President of the DGfdB and (behind the Minister) Berthold Schmitt, CEO of DGfdB.

Starting from now on operators of public swimming pools can apply for the “Public Value Award für das öffentliche Bad 2018”. This prize, which will be awarded for the 5th time from the die Deutsche Gesellschaft für das Badewesen e. V. (DGfdB) and stands for the appreciation to the contribution of common welfare (public value) to mostly local government entities who are leading outside or inside pools and empowers them politically. „Common welfare rules!“ is the slogan; the potential winners show particular excellence in „being active for the benefit of all the community“. Following this slogan, public baths are awarded who offer more than cost-effective basic supply and contribute to maintain and improve the quality of life in their cities and municipalities.


The public outside pool Hänigsen, which becomes the center in summer for the local community, won the 1st prize in 2016 in the category „outside pools“. Foto: Freibad Hänigsen


Public baths are awarded in two categories:: Indoor-, Combi- and Leisure baths and Outside baths. All public baths in Germany, who are directly or indirectly cofinanced by the public sector can take part.

Application deadline: 23rd May 2018.

Winners will be informed till the end of July and awarded during the opening ceremony of the „interbad“ fair, the 23rd October 2018 in Stuttgart.

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