news, pools, professionals, spas ForumPiscine, see you in 2020 Farewells and promises to meet again soon have already been exchanged. For managers, owners and... März 19, 2019 | BY Piscine Oggi
news, pools, professionals Italian Pool Award 2019: the winners The Italian Pool Award is the reward created by Piscine Oggi magazine to celebrate the excellence of... Februar 19, 2019 | BY Piscine Oggi
Unkategorisiert Italien sucht den autarken Pool Entgegen der landläufigen Meinung ist der Pool nicht das Element in unseren Häusern, das am meisten... Oktober 9, 2018 | BY Piscine Oggi
focus, news, pools, professionals Italian Pool Award 2018 The 8th edition of the Italian Pool Award, created by Piscine Oggi magazine to celebrate the excellence... Mai 31, 2018 | BY Piscine Oggi