Piscinas e Instalaçoes Desportivas HOY is a publication dedicated to design, construction, equipment, installation and maintenance of swimming pools, spas, wellness centres and aquatic facilities.

Its frequency is 2 numbers per year and each one has 4,700 readers (builders, promoters, stores, architects, installers, hotels, campgrounds, prefectures, manufacturers, distributors, sports clubs, etc). Also online, monthly newsletters, social networks, video editors, product tutorials and events on our YouTube channel, conference organizers and technical conferences. Magazine of reference in the sector of the swimming pool in Portugal, more than 30 years endorses us in the sector.

Collaborator of APP (Associação Portuguesa do Piscinas), collaborator of APOGEST (Portuguese Association of Sports Management).


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Contact information

Phone: +34 932 540359
Editorial: m.boavida@onedrop.es
Advertising: eborovsky@ilimitadapub.com
Website: www.piscinashoy.es

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Piscinas HOY
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