companies, market, news, pools, technologies, trends, Uncategorized Properly treated swimming pool is a safe place In these times of uncertainty with the fear of the coronavirus being in many peoples’ minds, let’s... June 9, 2020 | BY Piscinas HOY
accessories, companies, pools, technologies Smart pool cleaning The challenge facing the swimming pool sector is its adaption to new technologies. The trend towards... May 11, 2020 | BY Piscinas HOY
companies, pools, products, technologies The sustainable pool: removal of isocyanuric acid After 15 years of research and development, Diasa Industrial, a chemical company from La Rioja (Spain),... February 11, 2019 | BY Piscinas HOY
companies, news Fluidra y Zodiac cierran su fusión y unen fuerzas para ofrecer un mejor servicio a sus clientes Fluidra y Zodiac han cerrado su fusión global, anunciada el pasado mes de noviembre de 2017. La nueva... September 21, 2018 | BY Piscinas HOY
companies, market, news, professionals, Uncategorized The latest French market figures: growth continues! Over the full year 2017, the turnover of the profession recorded an increase of + 11% compared to 2016.... June 4, 2018 | BY L'Activité Piscine
companies, market, news, Uncategorized Nextpool buys Iber Coverpool to develop on the Hispanic markets Nextpool pursues its strategy of external growth with the acquisition of the company Iber Coverpool,... May 30, 2018 | BY L'Activité Piscine